In our Tested online shop, we offer everything from apparel (Ts, hoodies, hats) to stickers to posters to our very own (de) merit badges! You can also find some of Adam’s shirts here as well.
(Note: Tested members get 30% off everything in our store as one of their perks.)
In November 2017, Adam released his own line of products, starting with his classic EDC — made in California from recycled sail cloth — and expanding to tape measures, patches and his extremely popular apron. Watch for the occasional opportunity to buy items that are signed by Adam himself!
Viewers often ask us where they can acquire the tools and materials Adam uses in videos. When appropriate, we include links in our video captions, but you can also find items (including GREAT gifts for makers) in our general Amazon storefront!
(Disclaimer: Tested may earn an affiliate commission when you buy through our Amazon links.)
Published in 2019, Every Tool’s a Hammer is a chronicle of Adam’s life as a maker. It’s an exploration of making, but it’s also a permission slip of sorts from him to you. Permission to grab hold of the things you’re interested in, that fascinate you, and to dive deeper into them to see where they lead you. This New York Times bestseller is available at Amazon and other book sellers.